The objective of submitting a Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) is to get through to the next stage. This may be a matter of demonstrating compliance with the requirements of the contracting business or organisation. It may be a matter of scoring more points than your competitors.
The next stage, for those successful at the PQQ stage, will be an Invitation to Tender (ITT).
Demonstrating Compliance
The questionnaire will ask for all whole load of information, plus a whole load of supporting evidence. They will want to know about your business, your organisation, your finances, your probity, your policies, your systems and procedures and your approach to Corporate Social Responsibility – and that’s just for starters. It’s no wonder many business owners want assistance with PQQ completion.
Scoring More Points that the Competition
Scoring more points than the competition will incorporate all those elements described above as part of demonstrating compliance. As well as that there will be the requirement for you to produce material about how your company works – which will allow them to measure you in terms of effectiveness to deliver the contract. This could involve producing method statements about various aspects of your business. This material will probably be marked against a graded scoring system. The more effective the description of your methodology the higher the score. Assistance with PQQ completion in these areas can make a huge difference in terms of your chances of success.
Assistance with PQQ completion from a tender specialist can come in a number of different forms. They will be able to offer advice and guidance, providing pointers in advance as to how to approach the PQQ. They will be able to offer more practical help, maybe assisting with the formulation of method statements. They can certainly help you get organised.
Either way specialist assistance with PQQ completion can make the whole process less stressful and more effective.